Charles Glenn Petersen

1977 - Wisconsin Years II

La Crosse

We joined the Computer Science faculty at U of Wis – La Crosse where we each taught 4 sections of computer science classes each semester. Nancy went with me to a golf course a few times and was basically my caddy. She learned more about golf and we eventually got her a starter set of golf clubs so we could play together.

One of the instructors in the department was a runner and he encouraged me to run in one of the races during Octoberfest. Although I had been running for exercise for the past several years, I had never run in an organized event. That Fall, I run in a 10K race. No, I did not place well in my age group, but I was now hooked on these kinds of races. The next year, again during Octoberfest, I ran my first half marathon. Running in races had become part of my life.

During this same period Nancy joined a Sweet Adeline Chorus from Winona, Minnesota some 20 miles away and I joined the local La Crosse Chapter of the Men’s Barbershop Chorus.